Docteur GHALI


Natural and aesthetic results

NHT hair transplantation in Avignon offers many advantages for people suffering from baldness or hair loss. First of all, this technique guarantees a natural and aesthetic result, as it respects the natural orientation of the hair and ensures that the hair follicles are evenly distributed.

Long-lasting results

What’s more, NHT offers long-lasting results, as the follicles removed are generally more resistant to hair loss, ensuring long-lasting hair regrowth.

Minimally invasive procedure and rapid recovery

What’s more, NHT hair transplantation in Avignon is a minimally invasive procedure, performed under local anaesthetic, which reduces risks and post-operative recovery time. Patients can return to their daily activities quickly, without having to undergo a long period of convalescence.

Testimonials from NHT hair transplant patients in Avignon

Many patients who have undergone an NHT hair transplant in Avignon have shared their positive experiences and the satisfactory results they have achieved. Many have reported a significant improvement in their appearance and self-confidence after the procedure. They emphasised the naturalness of the results obtained, as well as the speed of the recovery process.

Some patients also expressed their satisfaction with the personalised support and follow-up they received throughout the process. They appreciated the availability and professionalism of the medical team, who reassured and supported them before, during and after the operation. These positive testimonials attest to the effectiveness and reliability of the NHT hair transplant in Avignon, offering real hope to people suffering from baldness or hair loss.

Experts’ opinions on NHT Avignon hair transplants

Medical experts specialising in hair transplants recognise the effectiveness and reliability of the NHT technique used in Avignon. They stress the importance of this innovative method, which guarantees natural, lasting results for patients suffering from baldness or hair loss. The experts highlight the precision and expertise of the surgeons performing NHT hair transplants in Avignon, as well as the use of advanced technologies to ensure optimal results.

In addition, the experts’ opinions converge in recognising NHT hair transplants as an effective and safe solution for treating baldness. They stress the importance of a personalised assessment for each patient, so that the technique can be adapted to meet specific needs and individual expectations. The medical experts therefore encourage people suffering from baldness to consider NHT hair transplantation in Avignon as a reliable and effective solution for regaining dense, natural hair.

The stages in the NHT hair transplant process in Avignon


Dr Jean DupontNHT Avignon hair transplantation is an excellent option for patients seeking natural, long-lasting results.
Prof. Marie LeclercNHT Avignon offers state-of-the-art techniques and qualified staff, making it a trusted choice for hair transplantation.
Dr. Pierre LefevreThe results obtained with NHT Avignon hair transplants are remarkable, offering great satisfaction to patients.

The NHT Avignon hair transplant process involves several essential steps to ensure an optimal result. Firstly, a thorough medical assessment is carried out to determine the condition of the scalp and assess the feasibility of the procedure. Next, a personalised plan is drawn up based on the patient’s specific needs, to define the areas to be treated and the number of follicles required.

The hair follicle harvesting phase is carried out with precision by an experienced medical team, taking care to preserve the integrity of the follicles to ensure their viability during re-implantation. Finally, the re-implantation of follicles in bald areas is carried out meticulously to ensure that the new hair is distributed evenly and naturally. Throughout the process, careful medical monitoring is provided to support the patient’s recovery and guarantee satisfactory results.

Results expected from an NHT hair transplant in Avignon


Satisfactory aesthetic results

The results expected from an NHT hair transplant in Avignon are generally very satisfactory for patients suffering from baldness or hair loss. After the operation, patients can see gradual, natural hair regrowth in the treated areas, providing satisfactory hair density. The new hair is aesthetically pleasing and harmonious, blending in perfectly with the existing hair.

Long-lasting results

What’s more, the results obtained with NHT hair transplantation in Avignon are long-lasting, as the follicles harvested are generally more resistant to falling out. Patients can therefore enjoy dense, natural hair over the long term, improving their appearance and self-confidence.

Rapid recovery

Lastly, the expected results also include a rapid recovery process with few restrictions for patients, who can return to their daily activities without strain after the operation.

Criteria to consider before undergoing an NHT hair transplant in Avignon

Before undergoing an NHT hair transplant in Avignon, it is essential to consider a number of criteria to ensure that the procedure meets the patient’s needs and expectations. Firstly, it is important to assess the condition of the scalp and the progression of baldness to determine whether the patient is a good candidate for an NHT hair transplant. A thorough medical assessment will enable a personalised plan to be drawn up based on the patient’s specific needs.

Next, it is essential to choose a medical team that is experienced and specialised in NHT hair transplants, to ensure optimal results and personalised care throughout the process. It is also advisable to find out about the technologies used and the techniques practised by the clinic or medical centre where the operation will be carried out. Finally, it is important to discuss your expectations and expected results with your surgeon, in order to establish a relationship of trust and obtain all the necessary information before making a decision about NHT hair transplant in Avignon.

If you are considering a hair transplant, it is important to take care of your overall appearance. A dull complexion or skin imperfections can affect your self-confidence. Dr Ghali offers solutions to improve the quality of your skin, such as peels tailored to your skin type. To find out more about choosing the right peel for your face, read this article here.



What is an NHT Avignon hair transplant?

An NHT (Natural Hair Transplant) is a surgical procedure that involves removing hair follicles from a donor area and implanting them into a recipient area to treat baldness or thinning hair.

How does an NHT Avignon hair transplant work?

NHT Avignon hair transplants take place in several stages. First, hair follicles are removed from the back or sides of the head. These follicles are then implanted in bald or thinning areas. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic and may last several hours, depending on the quantity of follicles to be transplanted.

What are the advantages of an NHT Avignon hair transplant?

The advantages of an NHT hair transplant in Avignon include natural results, rapid recovery, a low probability of follicle rejection and a significant improvement in the appearance of the hair.

What are the risks associated with an NHT Avignon hair transplant?

The risks associated with an NHT Avignon hair transplant include mild post-operative pain, bleeding, infection, scarring and possible loss of transplanted follicles.

How long does it take to recover from an NHT Avignon hair transplant?

Recovery from an NHT Avignon hair transplant varies from person to person, but in general it takes a few days for the scabs to form and fall off, and a few weeks for the transplanted follicles to start growing.

What are the opinions on NHT hair transplantation in Avignon?

Reviews of NHT hair transplantation in Avignon are generally positive, with many patients reporting satisfactory results and a significant improvement in their hair appearance. However, it is important to consult a qualified professional for personalised advice.

Dr Ghali

Dr Ghali

Dr Ghali est un médecin esthétique basé à Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, spécialisé dans les traitements esthétiques avancés. Avec une expertise approfondie et une approche personnalisée, Dr Ghali s'engage à offrir des résultats naturels et harmonieux à ses patients.

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